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Key dates for your retail business in Q2 2024

Danielle Collard
4 Mar 2024

To help you out, we’ve compiled a list of days and events you need to know. Let’s get ready for the second quarter of 2024 together! 

Important days for April

April plants us firmly in the new season and so represents an exciting time for businesses and the general public. April has a wonderful mix of the silly and the serious such as April Fool’s Day on the 1st and (Tax Day on the 15th) Earth Day on the 22nd. 

World Autism Awareness Day - 2nd April 

World Autism Awareness Day, sometimes shortened to World Autism Day, is one of only seven official health-related international days. 

Retail businesses can be intimidating and exclusionary places for people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs). This day offers businesses the chance to welcome members of their community with ASD into their shop and embrace inclusivity. 

Businesses can acknowledge World Autism Awareness Day by hosting an autism-inclusive day. Similar to autism-friendly film screenings, you can make your business ASD-inclusive with just a few changes: 

  • Reduce sensory overload opportunities with dimmed lights and quietened music 
  • Create a temporary quiet area in your store 
  • Extend business hours for the day so that customers with ASD can shop in a less busy environment

These simple changes will give the day the proper respect it deserves and show your customers that everyone is welcome in your store. There may be local charities or programs hosting events for World Autism Day; working with them could create some great synergy.

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Dedicated April days

  • April Fool’s Day, 1st April - One of the more popular unofficial holidays of the year, April Fool’s Day is celebrated all over the English-speaking world. While we don’t condone pranking your customers, this day does offer the chance to show your silly and lighthearted side. Perhaps you could offer discounts to customers that tell the funniest joke or do a silly dance. 
  • World Health Day, 7th April - Health and happiness is something everyone can celebrate and retail businesses are no different. You can show off your health credentials by partnering with local fitness groups and offer discounts or special offers to members. 
  • Siblings Day, 10th April - Siblings Day is celebrated in the UK, US, and Australia and has been growing in popularity for years. In terms of marketing, you could use this day to offer siblings-themed merchandise or post something on your social media channels celebrating your employee’s siblings. 
  • Tax day, 15th April - This certainly isn’t anyone's favorite day of the year. If you haven’t already, this is your last chance to file your tax returns and ensure that all your paperwork is in order. We hope you haven’t left it to the last minute!
  • World Creativity and Innovation Day, 15th April - It’s time to show how creative your store can be! Fun ways to celebrate this day could be challenging your staff to create a fabulous window display or running a small art competition with entries inspired by your store. 
  • Earth Day, 22nd April - Earth Day is a great chance to show off your environmental credentials. There are plenty of ways to celebrate Earth Day, including having a low power hour (be sure to keep your POS system running!), giving out free native plant seed packets with every purchase, and a simple sale on all sustainable products. 

More key days for Q2 

Mental Health Awareness Month - May

The importance of mental health has become increasingly prominent in recent years. May is Mental Health Awareness Month and more and more businesses are taking notice. If appropriate, take the time to check in with your team and ensure everyone feels comfortable and heard. 

Memorial Day - 27th May

This solemn holiday allows us to pay proper respect to our military heroes past and present. If you choose to stay open, you offer your thanks to veterans and active service members a discount on your products and services. You could also donate part of your day’s take to a veteran charity. 

Dedicated days for May

  • National Pet Month, May 
  • Global Love Day, 1st May 
  • May Day (International Worker’s Day), 1st May
  • Star Wars Day, 4th May
  • Cinco De Mayo, 5th May 
  • Europe Day, 9th May
  • Mother’s Day, 12th May
  • Global Accessibility Awareness Day, 16th May

LGBTQ+ Pride Month - June 

It’s Pride! June is a time for members of the LGBTQ+ community to celebrate themselves and how far they have come. Take the time to celebrate your LGBTQ+ staff members (if they’re comfortable with it) and research ways you can get involve. If your town or city hosts a Pride celebration, you can get involved with a sponsorship or donation. 

Father’s Day - 16th June 

Father’s Day means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. It’s a chance to celebrate the fathers and grandfathers in our lives. For retail businesses, you could put together a gift package aimed at dads. 

Dedicated days for June 

  • Men’s Health Month, June 
  • Volunteer’s Week, 1st - 7th June
  • World Environment Day, 5th June
  • World Ocean Day, 8th June
  •  Juneteenth, 19th June 
  • Summer Solstice, 20th June

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