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8 functional reports you can generate in Epos Now

18 Jul 2023

Building business reports are an excellent way to better understand and evaluate your business. In some ways, a business is much like the human body, with various processes working together to keep things running smoothly. A business report is like a checkup at the doctorโ€™s, albeit a checkup you can perform yourself as often as you like. 

Epos Now point of sale (POS) systems come with powerful built-in reporting features as standard. These features let you generate numerous reports that cover different facets of your business. The data generated by these reports can give you actionable insights so you can make more informed decisions when it comes to staff, inventory, and sales. 

Here, we outline eight functional reports that can help you take greater control of your business and maximize efficiency. 

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Total Sales Report 

The Total Sales by Time Period report is just a simple way of seeing your business's sales figures broken down into particular time periods. 

While your Epos Now Dashboard will always show your total sales at a glance, this report will allow you to get more specific.  The report can be altered to show all of your data, or it can be broken down by Location, Device, Staff member, or Wet/Dry items. 

Once you have this data you will be able to address low points in your selected time period and accurately plan for future success. 

How to generate the Total Sales by Time Period Report 

  1. Open your Epos Now Back Office > Reporting > Sales Report  
  2. Select Time Period from the drop-down menu
  3. In the Show data from drop-down menu select the appropriate date range 
  4. Then filter by Location, Device, Staff, or Wet/Dry categories or leave it as All if you want the report to display all. 
  5. From the Show by Time Interval drop-down, choose the relevant time interval for your report, and hit Apply. 
  6. When the report generates, you can choose to view or export via CSV, Word, Excel, or print.

Time Comparison Reports 

If youโ€™re interested in seeing how your business is performing compared with a previous time period, then this is the report for you. Reviewing the data from this report will allow you to evaluate your sales performance week-on-week or year-on-year. This report has complete flexibility and allows you to select from predefined date ranges, or input a completely custom range to suit. 

As well as numerous sales options, there is also a range of different metrics that can be reported on, including the number of transactions, refunds, voids, customers, discounts, and promotions broken down into an interval of either daily, weekly, or monthly. 

How to generate a Time Comparison Report 

  1. Open your Epos Now Back Office > Reporting > Sales Report 
  2. Select Time Comparisons from the drop-down menu 
  3. Select the appropriate metric from the Metric drop-down box.
  4. Choose the Date Range from the drop-down menu and then choose a date range to Compare to 
  5. Select the appropriate Interval from the next drop-down menu, and the report will generate. 
  6. With the report, you can choose to view or export via CSV, Word, Excel, or print. 

Non-Selling Stock Report 

This report allows you to see, at a glance, the products that are not selling in your business. Being able to easily identify products that have not sold a single item is super beneficial when looking at overstocks and potential range cuts. 

With the flexibility to change the date range to the pre-set definers, or a custom range, youโ€™ll be able to see exactly which products have not sold, in any given period, and their current stock on hand. 

Stock that hasnโ€™t sold in a long period of time can potentially be a space waster. Not only is precious cash flow tied up in stagnant stock, but shelf space could be better assigned to faster-moving items. This report allows you to evaluate whether moving the product via an in house special could potentially help the numbers or whether you look to clear it out from your inventory completely. 

How to generate the Non-selling Stock report 

  1. Open your Epos Now Back Office > Reporting > Stock 
  2. Select Non-selling Stock report from the options 
  3. Input Date range required, select location and device then hit Apply
  4. The report will generate and you can choose to view or export via CSV, Word, Excel, or print

Top Selling Products Report 

Generating a view of your businessโ€™s top-selling products is another extremely insightful report. Having this data on hand will allow you to see which items are the most popular in a specified date range, which is vital for forecasting future product demand. With the flexibility to generate this report by a custom date range, location, device, or staff member you will be able to access the exact data you need. Select all to see a complete overview or break it down by location so you can evaluate the popular products by site.  

Be able to identify the faster-selling items so you can make informed decisions on expanding popular item lines or brands. 

How to generate a Top Selling Products Report 

  1. Open your Epos Now Back Office > Reporting > Sales Report  
  2. Select Sales by Product from the options 
  3. Input the relative date range, Location, Device, Staff, or Wet/Dry and hit Apply
  4. From the header options, click QTY, and it will update the report to show the items that have sold the most in the time period. 
  5. With the report updated you can choose to view or export via CSV, Word, Excel, or print. 

Hourly Sales Trend Report 

Identifying trends and higher hourly sales patterns within your business is essential. Being armed with this data can help you to work out the busier time periods within your business.  This can help to make sure you have your staff rostered on at the times you need it the most. 

The time interval report can also be generated by yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily, hourly, and half-hourly depending on how specific you need it to be. 

How to generate an Hourly Sales Trend Report 

  1. Open your Epos Now Back Office > Reporting > Sales Report  
  2. Select Time Intervals from the drop-down 
  3. Determine the date range you want the report to show, then filter by Location, Device, Staff, or Wet/Dry categories or leave it as All if you want the report to display all. 
  4. In the Show by Time Interval drop-down box select hourly and hit Apply
  5. The report will generate, and you can choose to view or export via CSV, Word, Excel, or print

Employee Sales Report 

Being able to identify your top-performing employees can be hugely beneficial. Having this data on hand can help make sure youโ€™re rewarding sales successes and scheduling your top performers during the busier days and times. 

This report can also highlight those employees who are processing the most refunds, voids, discounts, and no sales, which can help highlight security issues. 

How to generate an Employee sales report 

  1. Open your Epos Now Back Office > Reporting > Sales Report 
  2. Select Employees from the drop-down menu 
  3. Determine the date range you want the report to show, then filter by Location, Device, Staff, or Wet/Dry categories or leave it as All if you want the report to display all and hit Apply 
  4. The report will generate, and you can choose to view or export via CSV, Word, Excel, or print

Promotion Report

The Promotion Report allows you to view the promotions that have been put through between selected dates ranges. This is a handy report to generate so you can review a certain promotion's success. 

You can see each of the promotions which have been used, the number of promotions that have been processed, the average amount of discount given for each promotion, and the total amount that has been given in the promotions.

How to generate a Promotion Report 

  1. Open your Epos Now Back Office > Reporting > Sales Report 
  2. Select Promotions from the drop down menu 
  3. Choose the date range from the Show Data from the drop down menu, then filter by Location or Device and hit Apply. 
  4. The report will generate and you can choose to view or export via CSV, Word, Excel, or print

Stock Levels Report 

Stock control is an extremely important aspect of your business.  A Stock Levels report will allow you to view the current on-hand stock levels for your store. If you complete regular stock audits, then the figures in this report will be mostly accurate. The data generated is both beneficial to view any low or overstocked products, as well as the potential sale value, total margin, and margin percentage. 

If you have master products set up, you will see a Current Stock and a Current Volume column. The Current Stock column tells you how many whole/full master products you have, and the Current Volume column tells you how many additional units you have. The Total Stock column shows your total stock level with a decimal figure.

How to generate Stock Levels Report 

  1. Open your Epos Now Back Office > Reporting > Stock  
  2. Select Stock Levels from the drop down 
  3. Filter the products you want in the report by Location, Wet/Dry, Supplier, Category, or leave it as All if you want the report to display all and hit Apply. 
  4. The report will generate and show the current stock levels for the selected product. 
  5. Hit the Current Stock column to reorder the report in ascending/descending order. 
  6. You can choose to view or export via CSV, Word, Excel, or print

Epos Now provides your business with all the data you need to effectively grow and manage your business. There are numerous other reports that can be built, customized, and created in your Epos Now Back Office. 

If youโ€™d like to know more about Epos Now and how our business reports could help you, get in touch with our expert team below. 

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