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Epos Now and Sustainably Run Partnership Wins Silver at Green Apple Environmental Awards

29 May 2024

Fintech company Epos Now and environmental organisation Sustainably Run are pleased to announce their partnership has been awarded a national silver Green Apple Environmental Award by The Green Organisation.

The Green Apple Environmental Awards recognises companies and organisations that engage in the best environmental practices. As a carbon-neutral business, Epos Now is passionate about helping the environment and are delighted with the recognition.

Over the course of Epos Now’s partnership with Sustainably Run, the company’s customers have funded the planting of over 120,000 trees. This is an incredible achievement and Epos Now looks forward to continuing the partnership and driving the number of trees planted even higher.

Tree planting is part of their latest initiative, where for every £32 transaction processed through a participating Epos Now POS system, Sustainably Run takes £1.23 and uses it to plant food-producing ‘GiftTrees’ in developing countries. These plants help offset carbon emissions and reduce deforestation, while also providing a sustainable food source and income for those in need.

As an added bonus to participating businesses, Sustainably Run contributes 10p of their fee as a GiftTree Incentive Fund Token (GIFT). This money can be used to offset the cost of Epos Now products or services. Epos Now hopes that this partnership will help reach the company target of becoming carbon-negative.