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Westpac Presto Smart

Streamline your in-store payment and cut wait times with Epos Now and Westpac’s Presto Smart.

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Benefits you'll enjoy

Flexible payments

Take secure payments anywhere in-store. Let customers pay at the counter, on the sales floor or at the table.

Simple reconciliation

Westpac's Presto Smart integrated payment processing minimises keying errors and makes end-of-day reconciliation fuss-free¹.  

Stable and supported

On certain terminals, Presto Smart will automatically switch over to 3G* should your main communications method drops out.

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Applications for Westpac’s merchant services are subject to Westpac’s approval and eligibility criteria.  Westpac’s terms and conditions (which can be found at and fees and charges will apply. The Point of Sale solutions are supplied by POS Providers, not Westpac. *Standalone mode and 3G fallback is only available on the VX690 terminal. Standalone mode allows you to process card payments through your terminal, without integration with your POS. 

  1. Westpac instant settlement functionality is not available between 9:30pm and 11:59pm (EFTPOS 1 and Presto Smart terminals) and between 9:30pm and 11:00pm (EFTPOS 1i terminals) - Sydney time. You can only settle a Westpac issued EFTPOS terminal once each day. Subject to system availability, settlement can take place 7 days a week. Settlement must be to a Westpac business transaction account. Instant Settlement functionality is not available on Corporate Online. Instant Settlement is only available for Mastercard, Visa and eftpos transactions (plus UnionPay if using EFTPOS 1i).