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South Australia to go into 6 day lockdown after COVID outbreak

Kadence Edmonds
19 Nov 2020

The South Australian Premier, Steven Marshall, has announced that South Australia will be locked down for six days as of midnight, 18th November. 

This will mean that people will be restricted from going outside of their homes - only one person per household will be able to leave the home itchy day, but only for specific purposes.  

The call has come out since an outbreak of Coronavirus cases in Parafield in Adelaideโ€™s north has grown to 22 with a further seven suspected cases.

South Australia Chief Public Health Officer Professor Nicola Spurrier confirmed two new coronavirus cases, both linked to the Parafield cluster.

Professor Spurrier says authorities have acted to shut down the community, because waiting any longer would see South Australians incur similar lockdowns to Victoria.

There have been 11,000 tests conducted in the State over the past two days.

From midnight on the 18th of November the following facilities will be closed:

  • All schools, except for those servicing children of essential workers and vulnerable children
  • Takeaway food
  • Universities
  • Pubs, cafes, coffee shops and food courts
  • Elective surgery, except for urgent operations and cancer treatment
  • Open inspections and auctions
  • All outdoor sport or physical activity
  • Construction industry
  • Factories other than food and medical products

Other restrictions will include:

  • FIFO work will be stopped for six days
  • Regional travel is not approved
  • Aged care and disability residential facilities will be in lockdown
  • Holiday homes will not be available for lease or rental
  • Wedding and funerals will be banned for six days
  • Masks will be required in all areas outside of the home
  • Exercise will not be available outside of the home

The following services are considered essential and will remain open:   

  • Water power and telecommunication
  • Supermarkets, but they will be limited in terms of access
  • Medical including mental health, supplies  andaccess to services
  • Public transport
  • Airport and freight services including courier services
  • Petrol stations, access to financial institutions and postal services
  • Essential parts of mining, smelting and large factories
  • Childcare but only for families of essential workers
  • Veterinary services