Epos Now 2.128 Release Notes
Released 22 August 2023
Included in this release:
NEW: Transaction recovery checks to avoid duplicate payments
We have updated the 'Unknown Payment' error to better guide our users through recovering disrupted transactions. our goal here is to improve prevention around double charging customers or failing to charge all together due to an unclear transaction result.
Further improvements with Epos Now Payments error handling are underway and will be released over the next few months.
NEW: Make tip adjustments up to 48 hours after the transaction - US only
For US merchants, tip adjustments can now be done up to 48 hours after a transaction has taken place. This will allow merchants to add and or amend tip values.
NEW: Epos Now Pay at Table rebranded to Epos Now Bill Pay
This change has been made to further differentiate and add clarity between this app and Order & Pay.
For a reminder on the functionality of the Bill Pay app, please click on the button below.
NEW: New onboarding banner helps merchants trade faster
We're excited to introduce a significant update to the onboarding experience for Epos Now Payments!
This release brings a redesigned onboarding banner that will be displayed on every page of the Back Office. Our primary goal is to provide our customers with a clearer vision of the steps required to complete the Epos Now Payments onboarding process.
This is the first phase of this redesign. We will add new features to the onboarding experience in the coming months.
FEATURE ENHANCEMENT: Close Till notifications and settings
We have added a new pop-up message to remind users to close their Till regularly and to provide guidance on how to do so.
This message will be shown when the current session has been open for over 72 hours and waits for the system to be idle to avoid disrupting service.